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As I was driving to work this morning, I turned on some Mercy Me, and just as a got to the Church, one of my favorite songs came on. Spoken For. And as I sat in the dark, listening to the song, I just let the words wash over me. “Covered by your love divine, Child of the risen Lord, To hear you say “This one’s mine”. My heart is spoken for”. And it reminded me of a document that is in our safe. A legal document, from the day that my dad adopted me, and in it is the declaration that at that moment, I became his son, with all the rights, responsibilities, and privileges of a natural born child. Now, I am 54 years old, and you would think that is old hat for me, but the truth is that from time to time, it is a piece of paper that I find myself pulling out to read, because of what it means to me, but what it meant to my dad. The point is, God, did the same for me, for us. By sending His Son to die on the cross, He made a way for you and I to be adopted into His family. And we will never be anything less than His Children, with all the rights, responsibilities and privileges of natural born children! In the same way that reading that old document in our safe reminds me of a decision that my dad made, reading How great is the love the Father has lavished upon us, that we should be called children of God.” And that is what we are! (1 John 3:1) Should remind us of the decision, and the sacrifice that our Heavenly Father made, to make us His! By the cross, we are spoken for! God has declared that, for those who believe, we are His! I don’t know about you, but there are so many times in my life, when I have felt like I had no value, that I had nothing to offer, that I didn’t fit in, but then I am reminded that in God’s eyes, my worth is measured by the Cross. I may not be able to “do anything” for Jesus, but He gave everything for me! And not only do I fit in, but I have been invited in, as a child of the One True King! Hallelujah!
We live in a society in which it is all about who we are. Our value seems to be based on where we come from, what we do, how much we have, and what we “bring to the table.” Go to a bookstore and the largest section will be the Self Help section. It seems that all of us have a problem with our image, with our self worth, and value to society. Maybe we are looking for our worth, in all the wrong places. Instead of asking what the world thinks of us, we need to ask what God thinks of us. Instead of see our worth through the eyes of society, we need to discover our worth through the eyes of our Savior, who hung on the cross. The world is fickle, it’s standards are every changing, and have no absolute standard, and if we seek to find our worth and value in the eyes of the world, we will always find ourselves lacking. But, God is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. His standards never change, and our value in His eyes never wavers. He created us, in His image, unlike anything else in Creation. And He sent His One and Only Son to die on the cross, to save us, redeem us, and make us part of His family. Then He sent His Holy Spirit to dwell within us, so that we might know His will for our lives, be secure in our salvation, and know our worth. To quote Johnny Lee, we are looking for love in all the wrong places, and all the wrong faces. Let’s set our eyes on, and find our value in Jesus. The Author and Perfecter of our faith!
So, about 4 this morning, Jackson came into our room, and wanted to sleep with us, saying he can’t sleep in his bed. The problem is that Jackson cannot stay still while sleeping, which means that with 3 of us in the bed, he is the only one that gets any sleep. So, I get up, in a huff, let him in bed, and then make too big of a deal about the fact that I will go sleep on the couch. Fast forward to 7 this morning, and I am getting ready for my message about love, and especially the love of God, and in that moment, I am so grateful that God doesn’t act like I do at times. 1 Corinthians 13, tells us that love is patient, it is kind, it doesn’t envy, or boast. It isn’t proud, it is not rude, it is not self-seeking, isn’t easily angered, and doesn’t keep a ledger of wrongs. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. It never fails. In other words, Love is a choice, it is an action, and in that truth I am convicted of my shortcomings, and comforted that God chose to love me, in spite of them. In John 3:16, Jesus tells us that God loved the world so much He sent His Son. Did you ever consider the fact that you could take “the world” out of that statement, insert your name, and nothing changes? In fact, right now, take a moment and reflect on what it would mean to hear Jesus say these words to you: “My Father loves you, (insert your name), so much that He sent Me, His One and Only Son, so that if you, would believe in Me, you wouldn’t perish, but instead, would have eternal live. My Father didn’t send me into this world to condemn (insert your name), but instead to save you, through Me.”
I have to admit, there are times when I look at myself in the mirror, and wonder how in the world God could love me. I mean, I know all my shortcomings (well, most of them) I know my thoughts, I know my sins, and my hang ups… How in the world could God love me? And it is in those moments that I am so thankful that I have God’s Word. I am so thankful, that the Bible isn’t sanitized, or edited. I am grateful, that God chose to reveal to me, the failures and struggles of Eve, and Adam. Of Abraham, and Moses. Of David, Gideon, Peter, Paul, and James. They remind me that no one is perfect. They also remind me that God loves imperfect people. That He takes our shortcomings, our hang ups, our frailty’s and uses them for His Glory. Those accounts remind me that no one is beyond the reach of God, and that there is no one who cannot be used by God. As we read the Bible, we discover that the heroes of the faith, that great cloud of witnesses, were just ordinary men and women, be placed their trust in an extraordinary God. It wasn’t their skills, or talents, or efforts that brought about great victories for the Lord. Instead, It was God working through their weakness, that highlighted His great Power. His mercy, applied to their sinfulness, magnified His Grace and His Righteousness.
When I look in the mirror at those times and wonder how in the world God could love a person like me, I remember the accounts of the Bible, and am reminded, it has never been about me. God loves me, not because of who I am, but because of Who He is.
Going first, is scary, and hard. Doesn’t matter what it is, whether it is being the first one to volunteer for something, the first to try something, the first one to speak up, or the first one to say, “I’m sorry.” But there is nothing scarier than being the first one to say those three words, “I love you”. I mean, after it is out there, it is out there! And what if they don’t say it back? What if they say, I don’t feel the same way? There is a vulnerability in being first to do or say anything, and saying I love you, first, is the greatest place of vulnerability. But, sometimes I think we lose sight of that, when we read Romans 5:8, But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. You realize that means that before your parents ever considered you, God already had? You realize that mean that before you were conceived, before you came to be, Jesus had already declared His love for you? Do you realize that before you were born, He died for you? You realize that before you even had the opportunity to hear about the plan of Salvation, He had already fulfilled the plan of Salvation? In other words, before you ever thought about saying “I do” to Jesus, He said, “it is finished” to you. That is love! Whether you ever choose to respond to His “I love you”, or not, it doesn’t change a thing. He loves you!
We have all watched a beautiful sunrise. As the suns rays begin to pierce the darkness, changing the color of the sky. Not only is it a beautiful thing to watch, it brings with it a sense of hope. But, have you ever stopped to consider that the reason it is so beautiful, is because of the darkness? If it weren’t for the contrast of the darkness, the sunrise wouldn’t be as awe inspiring. This morning, as I am getting ready for our “Digital Sunrise Service” I find myself looking towards the horizon, waiting for the sun to rise, for the light to pierce the darkness, for the hope of the new day. In a lot of ways, it is like the disciples and followers of Jesus on that first Resurrection Sunday. The difference is that while I know the sun will rise, and I am waiting for it, they weren’t that convinced. The old saying is that it is always darkest before the dawn, and I have to believe that to the followers of Jesus, they were in the darkest place they had ever been. Everything they had hoped for, was gone. And although Jesus had said that He would rise again, I wonder how many of them were looking for that moment. And it is in contrast to that darkness, that depression and despair that the Son rise is all the more glorious! We often read the words of the angels on Resurrection Sunday, He is not here, He is risen, and they bring us joy, but can you imagine for a moment the overwhelming joy they brought to the disciples? Can you imagine the overwhelming sense of peace, of emotion that each of them felt as they saw Jesus again for the first time? As they realized He’s alive!?! Take a moment today to let that sink in.
This morning, I find myself looking to the horizon, waiting for the sun to begin its ascent into the sky. Waiting for those first rays of light to pierce the darkness, and for the light of the sun to begin to change the color of the sky, and wake up a sleeping creation.
But what I know is that while the sun rise is an amazing thing to behold, it can’t hold a candle to the truth we celebrate today, The Son’s Rise! Resurrection Sunday is my favorite day of the year, because it is the day that Christians all over the world celebrate the event that changed the world. The day that the Light of the world pierced the darkness for all eternity, proving forever more that there is NOTHING that can separate us for the love of God which is in Jesus!
Today is Palm Sunday. The day we celebrate the Triumphal Entry. The day on which Jesus rode into Jerusalem seated on a donkey. The day that men, women and children shouted Hosanna, “Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” We adorn our churches with palm branches, and have “Palm Parades” with our kids carrying palms and laying them down on the ground, just as the crowds laid their cloaks, and palm branches on the path ahead of Jesus. But, I am always reminded of the truth that the crowds were excited and exuberant, without really knowing why. They didn’t realize the magnitude of that event, they didn’t know everything that it would usher in. But, we do. We know that Jesus rode on a donkey that day to signify that He is the King. We know that He came there to be arrested, to be tortured, and on Good Friday, to be crucified. We know that He came there to pay for the sins of the world, and to make a way for us to be saved.
So, with that in mind, I want to challenge you today to greet the King with the same excitement and joy that the crowds did that day! We may not have palm branches to lay down before Him, but we can lay our lives down before Him. We can celebrate the King that He is, take joy in the truth that He is our Savior, and that He loves us so much, He was willing to give His live in exchange for ours. So, take a minute and get on the phone, or on email, or online and invite your family, friends, co-workers, to join you in welcoming the King! We may not be in the same building, but we are worshipping the same Jesus. We may not be able to be physically present with each other, but we can be spiritually joined together. “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39
So, why is it that the speed limit in construction zones is lower? Have you ever thought about it? Is it so that they can give out more tickets? Is it so that you are so frustrated with the slow pace, that when it is all over you are enthused about the new road? Possibilities… but the real reason is that by slowing down the speed of traffic, the driver is more able to see the hazards, and able to react in time to not have an accident. In other words, it is to cut down on accidents, and injuries. Although most of us, tend to see construction zones and lowered speed limits as a nuisance, to be avoided at all costs. Right now, we find ourselves in a definite slow zone. One that we can’t avoid. But I would suggest to you, that it is also a construction zone, and we should take advantage of it. Over the last couple of weeks, we have had to slow down, and take a breath. There have been no practices, no programs, no sports, no blockbuster events, etc. We aren’t running from one place to another, trying to cram in one more event, or activity.
And as a result, I think that many of us (I know I definitely have) are seeing the hazards along the way. We hurry through life so fast that we don’t enjoy it. We are so focused on where we are going that we don’t take pleasure in where we are. We are so locked in to getting things done, that we don’t rely on our Heavenly Father. We have been trying to take in all the world has to offer, and in the process, we have lost sight of all that God has to offer. All that He has given, and all that He has done.
So, with that being said, let’s take advantage of the construction zone we find ourselves in. Instead of focusing on what everything around us that needs fixed, let’s focus on what WE need to fix. Instead of complaining about the slower pace of life, let’s make the most of the slow down. Instead of focusing on all the things we can’t do, let’s take joy in the things we can do. And while the buzz word for the day is Social Distancing, let’s be reminded that God is never distant. He never has been, and never will be. I know these are difficult times, and I know that it has brought about a lot of change for many of us, including myself, but maybe it wouldn’t seem as difficult and daunting, if we would see it as an opportunity to improve ourselves, our family relationships and our relationship with our Savior, instead of an obstacle to all the things we have come to believe we need.
I would like to invite you to join us any Sunday at 10:45am on our Facebook page, @antiochelkcity, or on our website, for a time of praise and worship, to join in sharing the Lord’s Supper, and for a message from His Word. If you do, send us a picture of you and your family worshipping together. If there is something that speaks to you in the message or the worship, leave a comment to let us know you are there. And if you need prayer feel free to send us a message, or go to our website and place it on our digital Prayer Wall. And if you make a decision today, share it with us so that we can rejoice with you! We may not be together in the same building, but we are together in one Spirit. Have a great day and remember, Jesus loves you!
On mornings when it is somewhat cold, I walk into my garage with my key fob in hand, and remote start my truck. The thing that I have noticed is that I catch myself listening, waiting for the sound of the engine coming alive. And when it does, I experience a feeling of relief. But, why do I get anxious while I wait for it to start? Why do I have this sense of relief when I hear the engine? I mean, the fact is that it has never failed to start (although there was that time I rolled down all the windows as well, but that is another story, for another morning. Lol) So, why do I worry about it? I guess it has to do with the fact that there could come a time when it doesn’t start, or when malfunctions. I guess it is human nature, although the more times it starts without fail, the more I will trust the response. In fact, I could probably ask myself when I start to doubt, “when has it failed to start before?”
Romans 1:20, reminds us of this, “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities — his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.”
The truth is, I don’t worry about the sun coming up in the morning, I don’t worry about the grass greening up, and the trees budding each spring. If I throw something into the air, I don’t worry that it won’t come down. There are lot of things that I don’t worry about. And I don’t worry about them, because they are clearly seen, and they have never failed me. The fact is that God baked those truths into His Creation, for just that reason. God put laws, and theories in place in our natural, physical world, to teach us about Him. To remind us of His steadfastness, and His reliability. Right now, there are a lot of uncertain things going on in our world, in our nation and in our communities, but one thing that is not uncertain is God. One thing that is not uncertain is His love for us. That’s why Peter (1 Peter 5:7) tells us to cast all our anxieties on Him, because He loves us, because He cares about us. That’s why Jesus points to the birds of the air, and the grass of the field as testimonies to the faithfulness of God in providing what we need. God’s fingerprints are all over His Creation, and in those fingerprints, we are reminded of the goodness, the faithfulness, and the eternal nature of God. In those fingerprints, we see His power, His glory, and His Sovereignty! And when we are reminded that in ALL things He is working to bring about good, we have to ask, what are we worried about? What are we to fear? God may not always give us what we want, He may not always answer the way we want Him to, but the fact remains, He has never failed us, He has never left us, He has never forsaken us… and He never will! So, in light of all the uncertainty, in light of all the unknowns, prepare, and make wise decisions, but above all Trust in Him!
If you don’t have a Church home, I want to invite you to join us at Antioch Christian Church this morning, as we are exploring the topic of worry. Be aware, with the current issues going on, we have taken precautions and made some changes so that everyone feels safe. But, we would love you have you join us. If you don’t feel comfortable getting out, or can’t physically make it, we will be livestreaming our service on Facebook. All of this begins at 10:45am. So, I hope to see you there, and if not, I hope you see us online!