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If you are taking part in ACC’s Challenge to engage the Word of God 4 days a week; Invest 15 minutes to read Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 21:33-46, Acts 4:11, and meditate on what they mean to you.
If you are taking part in ACC’s Challenge to engage the Word of God 4 days a week; Invest 15 minutes to read Acts 3-5
If you are taking part in ACC’s Challenge to engage the Word of God : Invest 15 minutes to memorize our key verse, “The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone.”
Psalm 118:22
If you are taking part in ACC’s Challenge to engage the Word of God 4 days a week; Ask someone at work or school what the current President of the United States would have to do to be remembered as greater than George Washington. After he or she answers, share this concept of Jesus being greater than Moses, and use it as an opportunity to make Jesus famous in that person’s eyes.
If you are taking part in ACC’s Challenge to engage the Word of God 4 days a week; Invest 15 minutes to read John 5:45-47, Acts 13:39, 1 Corinthians 10:1-4, and meditate on what they mean to you.
If you are taking part in ACC’s Challenge to engage the Word of God 4 days a week; Invest 15 minutes to read Exodus 2-3
If you are taking part in ACC’s Challenge to engage the Word of God : Invest 15 minutes to memorize our key verse, “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him.”
Deuteronomy 18:18
If you are taking part in ACC’s Challenge to engage the Word of God 4 days a week; Ask your pastor what practical difference it should make that you’re a citizen of a kingdom, not merely members of a church.
If you are taking part in ACC’s Challenge to engage the Word of God 4 days a week; Invest 15 minutes to read Matthew 1:1, Philippians 2:9-11, Revelation 5:5, and meditate on what they mean to you.
If you are taking part in ACC’s Challenge to engage the Word of God 4 days a week; Invest 15 minutes to read Matthew 21-22