March 15, 2020

On mornings when it is somewhat cold, I walk into my garage with my key fob in hand, and remote start my truck. The thing that I have noticed is that I catch myself listening, waiting for the sound of the engine coming alive. And when it does, I experience a feeling of relief. But, why do I get anxious while I wait for it to start? Why do I have this sense of relief when I hear the engine? I mean, the fact is that it has never failed to start (although there was that time I rolled down all the windows as well, but that is another story, for another morning. Lol) So, why do I worry about it? I guess it has to do with the fact that there could come a time when it doesn’t start, or when malfunctions. I guess it is human nature, although the more times it starts without fail, the more I will trust the response. In fact, I could probably ask myself when I start to doubt, “when has it failed to start before?”
Romans 1:20, reminds us of this, “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities — his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.”
The truth is, I don’t worry about the sun coming up in the morning, I don’t worry about the grass greening up, and the trees budding each spring. If I throw something into the air, I don’t worry that it won’t come down. There are lot of things that I don’t worry about. And I don’t worry about them, because they are clearly seen, and they have never failed me. The fact is that God baked those truths into His Creation, for just that reason. God put laws, and theories in place in our natural, physical world, to teach us about Him. To remind us of His steadfastness, and His reliability. Right now, there are a lot of uncertain things going on in our world, in our nation and in our communities, but one thing that is not uncertain is God. One thing that is not uncertain is His love for us. That’s why Peter (1 Peter 5:7) tells us to cast all our anxieties on Him, because He loves us, because He cares about us. That’s why Jesus points to the birds of the air, and the grass of the field as testimonies to the faithfulness of God in providing what we need. God’s fingerprints are all over His Creation, and in those fingerprints, we are reminded of the goodness, the faithfulness, and the eternal nature of God. In those fingerprints, we see His power, His glory, and His Sovereignty! And when we are reminded that in ALL things He is working to bring about good, we have to ask, what are we worried about? What are we to fear? God may not always give us what we want, He may not always answer the way we want Him to, but the fact remains, He has never failed us, He has never left us, He has never forsaken us… and He never will! So, in light of all the uncertainty, in light of all the unknowns, prepare, and make wise decisions, but above all Trust in Him!
If you don’t have a Church home, I want to invite you to join us at Antioch Christian Church this morning, as we are exploring the topic of worry. Be aware, with the current issues going on, we have taken precautions and made some changes so that everyone feels safe. But, we would love you have you join us. If you don’t feel comfortable getting out, or can’t physically make it, we will be livestreaming our service on Facebook. All of this begins at 10:45am. So, I hope to see you there, and if not, I hope you see us online!